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News from Jacquie


Hi everyone.... it's been a long minute since I have written anything on this blog.... I have been working on my art and trying to stay warm during the cold and rain winter in Australia. October 26 here and we are supposed to be in Spring but the weather is horrible....raining like mad here! We are still doing well in Western Australia with COVID, there is no community cases and people are slowly getting their vaccines. Once the boarders open again and they allow overseas travel Martin and I hope to get on a plane and jet over to the USA and Canada for an extended stay. I hope everyone is well and staying safe. Happy Halloween for the 31st. xoxo Jacquie

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Hi everyone.... it's been a long time since I started my website... there have been a few changes. I have decided that for now I'm going to concentrate on creating and selling Acrylic Paintings and will shelve the consultant work for the time being. I'm developing/learning different techniques as can be seen on the site and will soon start to video these as I paint and post them on my Instagram account and in future possibly YouTube. If you know anyone who is interested in artwork for their home or office please give them my site and/or tell them to contact me to have a chat about their needs.

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Writer's pictureJacquelyyn Boden

Monday 1 March 2021, the day is here, website is finished and we are ready to go live. Today marks the next chapter in my life... it's scary, exciting, raw. The use of social media and exposing yourself to the world is something I want to try. Eight years ago I started painting as a form of Art Therapy to counter a period of extreme stress caused by a situation at work. In December 2020, I was lucky enough to retire early.... so today I'm taking a leap into an unknown space to show some of my work and see if there is a market for it. As the the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” I hope he was right.

I would like to thank Evie Foster (@eviefostercreative) for helping me with this website. Toni Angenent for seeing something special in my work and commissioning a set of five beach scene paintings for her new home. To my family for always praising my art work and firstly displaying it proudly on the fridge and later on on most of the walls of your house. And finally to my husband who supports me mind body and soul, you keep me grounded and sane and push me out of my comfort zone daily. I love you all.

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